Avolites Training
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Avolites Titan V9 Software

In cooperation with its partner, Avolites, AVL Projekt organized a training on "An introduction to the Titan V9 Software". The training was held in the Belexpocentar, on the 11th November, 2015. In a certain way it was an introduction to AVL Projekt Open Day 2015


The training had a form of an interactive workshop where each of the 21 participants had a working unit in front of himself. For each of the working units (Avolites Quartz, Avolites Titan Mobile, Avolites Titan One) the Visualizer that simulated the real situation on the scene was installed. The Visualizer was, for the purposes of training, installed in Titan 9 Software.


All the participants had a very good opinion about the training they had received because they got acquainted with the new features and capabilities of the software and with all the practical application possibilities.


The training was performed by Adilkhodjaev Aziz, the Sales Engineer from Avolites Limited and Avolites Media Limited and once again we are expressing our thanks for his coming and dedicated approach to training.











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