Wireless microphone system for Senta Hungarian Chamber Theatre

In December 2015, AVL Projekt delivered the wireless microphone system for a known customer. It was for the Senta Hungarian Chamber Theatre

  • Client: Senta Hungarian Chamber Theatre
  • Date of project: 2016

By taking part in the public tender, that was announced by Senta Hungarian Chamber Theater, we got the job of procurement, delivery and training of contracting authorities to use a wireless microphone system AKG WMS470.


AKG WMS 470 is a wireless microphone system. It is a cost-effective, multi-channel microphone system with excellent price and quality ratio, compared to the competition. It is characterized by high performance with a wide range choice between handheld or lavalier microphones.


It provides the possibility to use up to 16 channels simultaneously in the same frequency band, and by using UHF distribution and corresponding active directional antenna, it minimizes the effects of interference of Wi-Fi signals inside the building. This provides a clear and strong audio signal when it matters the most.


We delivered 8 wireless systems packed in a rack with a drawer for storing the microphone AKG CK77 WR and AKG C111 LP.

AKG CK77 WR is a professional lavalier microphone (bug), with omni-directional characteristics in color, with a primer designed to protect from moisture and sweat.

AKG C111 LP is also a professional microphone, light in color. It is attached to ear, enabling the actors the complete freedom of movement when on stage.


After the delivery of the equipment, the training of technical personnel to use a wireless microphone system was completed.