The pleasant atmosphere was affected by us, too. We installed the audio and lighting system whose main purpose is to technically support a relaxed and friendly atmosphere in which people gladly spend time, socialize with others and enjoy a wide choice of excellent food.
Installed solution
The speakers JBL Compact Pendant and Ecler past 88 audio matrix processor were installed. The installation enables the control of any audio zone locally, using simply a smart phone or a tablet.
When installing the sound, the challenge was to ensure its equitable distribution, considering that there had been an enlargement of the sitting area. It means that the implementation of our system was actually the expansion of the existing one.
Also a larger number of Par 56 light fixtures was installed with DMX dimmer pack in order to achieve an atmosphere of warmth. The challenge was to incorporate LED lighting of theshelves and reflectors, which had a specific beam level. For this reason, we decided to use warm-white LED combined with a yellow strip, Amber colour. With adjusting light intensity relation between the two strips we reached proper effect, which, in addition to the installed light fixtures emphasized the total warmth in the atmosphere, on which the owner had insisted. The challenge was all the greater because the extended part of the building had no natural light source, not in the least possible extent. LED strips are managed controlled via DMX protocol.
All the challenges were successfully overcome by good acoustic and lighting calculations.