The KPGT premiered its new play "The Great Fall" based on the novel by Peter Handke, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2019 for this work. "The Great Fall" is Handke's sixth title played at KPGT, which made him one of the most played authors in this theatre along with Shakespeare, Moliere and Dusan Jovanović.
In order to convey to the audience, the turbulent journey and adventures of an aging actor, the theatre decided to acquire new stage lighting for this play.
After a tour of the theatre stage and a constructive discussion with the director Ljubisa Ristic, we realized that the wash lighting fixtures are exactly what is necessary for its performance. Chauvet Maverick MK2 Wash fixture of exceptional power with high zoom capability was chosen. Powered by Osram RGBW LEDs, it can handle any application, even aerial washing. During the performance of the play, the stroboscope option found its application following the beats of the music. Impressive artistic expression is achieved through pixel mapping and the use of macros.
Chauvet SlimBank T18 USB LED lighting fixtures with 18 RGB LEDs, excellent for washing the scene, also played their role in the performance. They are intended for lighting from the streets because the performance also includes elements of ballet. Lighting from the side tunnels represents one of the most important directions of light when it comes to ballet performances. The wash lights have adjustable barn doors, which help direct and focus the light, and therefore better directed streets. They also allow individual control of the three segments, thus creating even more interesting effects.
The lighting desk with a touch screen intended for lighting controlled is also delivered as part of the system.
An indicator that the new stage lighting enabled the lighting designers and the director to present this theatrical performance in a unique artistic way is the fact that “one more ticket” is requested for "The Great Fall".