The Needs of the City Theater Becej
In July 2013, the City Theater Becej, in collaboration with AVL Projekt, improved its audio system, ensuring significantly higher quality of the reproduced sound in comparison with the old, replaced system. In addition, easer control and dimming of lighting ensured more efficient lighting operation.
Implemented solution
Implemented audio solution consists of the Soundcraft mixer, model MFXi20, JBL EON 315 speakers, AKG Perception Wireless 45 and AKG D5 microphones, including K&M 25400 stands, too.
When it comes to lighting, AVL Projekt introduced the use of ETC SmartFade 1248 lighting console, which made lighting control much easier.
Thanks to the implemented solutions, theater's users, including end users (audience), from now on can enjoy an improved quality of the content that will be held under the theater's spotligts.
After the installation, AVL Projekt had provided training for those who will have direct contact with the implemented solutions, in order to ensure optimal functioning and pleasure for all its users.